Saturday, February 27, 2010

Our Purchases from Cape Zanpa

I should have said in my last post, a little thing like a 7.0 earthquake is not enough to stop the Okinawans from their normal business. But, on our way there, we didn't see any type of damage at all. But that seems to be typical of things around here with the way their buildings are built.

Anyhow, on to other things. First up were some bowls that were only Yen 500 a piece (this is a steal at these types of things). These are for K2.

The colors of these bowls were different than what you normally see.

These are also for K2. They were sold as a bundle, which was also different (usually it's by the piece)

Lastly, were some plates that I bought. They match some bowls that I purchased somewhere else.
These are the plates:

And this is a picture of the plates with the bowls I already had.

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