Sunday, April 24, 2011

A few things

I opened the front door to go outside this morning to get the paper, and I saw this "thing" in front of the garage door. Luckily, Buddy was behind me so I could stop him from investigating. I'm sure it was probably not poisonous, but I definitely didn't need him to be bit by it.


I have made a few things in the past few weeks. First up was a blueberry, pineapple smoothie. It wasn't my cup of tea, but K2 ate (drank) it.

Then I made the Olive Garden's Pasta Fagioli; it was a recipe from America's Most Wanted Recipes. This tasted just like the restaurant, but it made so much. I ended up freezing a lot of it in individual servings.


And I made a chicken soup recipe from Rachael Ray's Look & Cook. It was okay; I did use turkey instead of chicken, but it wasn't a knock your socks off chicken soup. I also ended up freezing a lot of this as well.


In other news, J will be coming here sometime in the next few weeks. He is going on a "business trip" sometime in May and will be back in approximately 6 months. He'll be going to the same place as K1 (who leaves at approximately the same time, only he'll be gone for a year), so maybe they'll run into each other. I told him to take pictures. I may be able to give J the camera I'm currently using and get a different one for myself. We'll see...

And again, I don't know why blogger is messing up my format, but I've tried to fix the spacing and now I just give up.

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